Teller County Driveway Guidelines

Below is a list of guidelines provided by the Teller County Regional Building Department. This is not a comprehensive list, and additional guidelines may be relevant to your project.

The professionals at Bob Ames Excavating have decades of experience working in Teller County and work carefully to make sure your project is compliant and successful.

Contact Chris Ames with any questions: (719)-687-2004.

Teller County Driveway Guidelines
  • If a gate is installed, it must be at least thirty feet off the edge of the roadway and installed to open into the property allowing a vehicle to stop without obstructing traffic on the public roadway.

  • Runoff from rain and snow and other means must not be allowed to enter roadways.

  • Generally, residential driveway openings will be limited to approximately twenty feet in width not including radii.

  • Generally, only one access to a parcel of property will be allowed.

  • In general, the entrance angle for all access approaches shall be as near 900 to the centerline of the road as possible. The minimum angle which will be permitted is 900 plus or minus 100.

  • The access profile grade within the Right Of Way shall not exceed four (4%) percent and must be constructed with some type of negative area leading away from roadway to the private property side of the flow line so as not to allow drainage from the driveway/access to enter roadway(s) and shall be a minimum of 20′ in length.

  • For driveways less than one hundred fifty in length (from the furthest point of the structure) that exit from a public or private road, no maximum grade is required.

  • For a single family dwelling located more than 150 feet in length (from the furthest point of the structure) from a public or private road, the driveway shall have a maximum grade of 17%.

  • Driveways longer than 150 feet in length (from the furthest point of the structure) and structures 35 feet or less in height shall have no turns sharper than 35 foot inside radius. All driveways longer than 150 feet in length (from the furthest point of the structure) and serving structures greater than 35 feet in height shall have no turns sharper than 42 feet inside radius.

  • If the property access meets a hard surfaced roadway, a hard surfaced apron from the edge of the roadway back to the right-of-way line will be required.

  • If the property access meets a gravel roadway, a six-inch layer of compacted class 5 or class 6 aggregate base material from the edge of the roadway back to the right-of-way line will be required.

Contact Bob Ames Excavating, Inc.

Contact Chris to discuss your excavation needs. We look forward to hearing from you!